In Flight

     These are not easy shots to take.  I think I took 20 or more shots before capturing what I wanted, and even still it's not "perfect."  Personally,  I would've rather had the bird on the other side of the shot; the left side.  This way the bird would be flying into your view instead of out of the picture.  All the focus is now to the one side where if it was on the left side I think your eyes would move around the photo more looking towards where the bird was flying.

     For my camera... I did not use a tripod for this shot, though I'm sure it would've been faster to get the "perfect" shot if I were using one.  I like to shoot freestyle (if that's what you call it...) though.  I just like having more control and not being encumbered with a tripod.  F-Stop was at 5.6 1/800, ISO was at 400, at I shot in A (Aperture Priority) mode.

     Lastly, to make the bird stand out a bit more I darkened and saturated the blue sky, otherwise the bird was really washed out.  Even still I think this is a really fun shot and love challenging myself to capture a bird in flight.  Enjoy!
