Flaming Flowers

Day 15;  Although I suppose they aren't really flaming, I do like the way these flowers "go up in flames" so to speak.  They're red plumes of flower that say "fire" to me.  I took this picture last year during the summer with my friends DSLR camera when I was first getting the hang of manual photography.  Some people don't believe in editing a photo (which I completely understand), but some editing can enhance pictures.  I try to not do so much editing that it changes the whole composition of the picture.  Here I just darkened the leaves and the background so your eyes are more drawn to the flower and not so much the surrounding area.  Personally I think the editing helped. 

On a side note, I understand that many of my pictures of late have been older ones.  Being a full-time student and working part time tends to take up prime-time-photo-time.  I apologize for not always have a nice brand-spankin-new photo everyday, but I just don't always have the time.  In the next few days I should have some new pictures; just be aware though I will head back to older pictures I've taken from time to time.  It's the nature of things I suppose.  Hope you all understand!  Thanks for checking out my blog and PLEASE follow me and leave comments!  I'd love to hear what you all have to say (good or bad).  It's nice to know I have fans and I appreciate everyone of you, thanks again... Faythe
