Mosey Spiderweb

Day 37; I think moss is one of the more beautiful plants in nature.  It's so pretty growing on the rocks in many shades of green.  It transforms an generic brown dirt, or a cold, harsh stone, into something much more calm and soft.  If you've every taken the time to lay down or even just walked through mosey areas barefoot you'll understand how nice and pretty moss can be. 

This is more than just a picture of some pretty green moss though, as you can see there is a rather neat looking spiderweb smack dab in the middle here too.  The triangular spiderweb seems to act like a filter over the mosey rock it covers; giving it a silvery green look.  The spiderweb isn't the only thing in the picture that makes it interesting though.  As I've said there's the many different shades of green moss, there are also spots of rock peaking through, and there's flecks of orange in the picture as well which is either bits of acorns or leaves.  This is a very colorful photograph I think and it's rather calming and peaceful too.  Faythe...
