Glowing Glass

Day 14; For a school project I had to interview a glass blower and take pictures of his work.  This here is heated glass at the end of the rod they blow into to form the glass art.  I really love this picture.  It's a dark dungeon, gothic, looking place, but in the center there is a glowing orb of hope. Or life maybe?  It's the warm feeling that keeps you going in dark places. 

I put much more work into this picture compared to my past posts.  I took this picture in color, and it was pretty generic.  So to get my desired look I had to edit it in photoshop; first making it black and white, but that was too boring.  To make it more interesting I then painted the glass "white," but when you do that it actually brings out the color, making the glass it's original orange color.  With a few last minute shading edits I came up with this.  A picture that tells a story and one that I really love.
